English and Romanian - In fish Lipovenian soup enter no more than four vegetables: potatoes, onions, peppers (bell peppers and peppery) and tomato. Besides that you need is parsley, salt, oil and vinegar. But the most important thing is the fish, the best soup comes with 4 kinds of fish: I prefer carp, catfish, pike and perch or crucian carp. First you put the pot on fire with water and vegetables (vegetables should be about a third of the volume of water), boil until the potatoes are almost cooked. If you cook tomatoes and peppers in embers or on a tin plate then peel them before they boil, you get a more intense flavour with soft baking is wonderful. Put peppery unless you ask all those who support eating hot, do not forget to cook chilli is widening, not overdo it before the soup is finished! Now it's time to salty soup: put the salt and taste, the juice should be slightly salty, the fish will absorb the salt. - Put the fish in the pot and DO NOT mix (to not shred the fish). Fish must occupy himself one third of the water. In about 15-20 minutes the fish should be cooked (keep the fire in the embers as water boil easily in the pot, do not even stop the fire or not to boil to hard – that could break the fish into small pieces). When the fish is cooked can put vinegar. Do not skimp, soup should taste like sour soup is not a soup, you must feel like is scratching your throats when you are swallowing it. Add vinegar until the soup is boiling and taste it after 1 minute, mix and taste without damage the fish. Also now, you put a few tablespoons of oil. - When is ready, take the pot off the fire, throw a handful of chopped parsley and cover it for 10 minutes. Traditionally Lipovenian fish soup is eaten like this: remove the fish on a platter (with slotted spoon, taking care not to crumble the fish) and served with garlic sauce. You can pu simple garlic sauce or you can mix garlic with ripe peeled tomatoes (goes crazy). Then you put the soup with garlic and peppery (ciusca) and if you put a polenta on the table, you have a complete and delicious fisherman meal.
- In ciorba de peste lipoveneasca nu intra decat 4 legume: cartofi, ceapa, ardei (gras si iute) si rosii. Pe langa acestea mai aveti nevoie patrunjel, sare, ulei si otet. Dar partea cea mai importanta este pestele, cea mai buna ciorba iese cu minim 4 feluri de peste, eu prefer crap, somn, stiuca si biban sau caras. Intai puneti la foc ceaunul cu apa si legumele (legumele trebuie sa fie cam o treime din volumul de apa), lasati la fiert pana cand cartofii sunt aproape fierti. Daca inainte de a le pune la fiert, coaceti putin pe jar sau pe tabla rosiile si ardeiul si apoi le cojiti veti obtine un gust si mai intens, cu tenta de copt, este minunat. Ardeiul iute il puneti numai daca toti cei care vor manca suporta iute, nu uitati ca la fiert iutele se accentueaza, nu exagerati cu acesta! Acum e timpul sa sarati ciorba, puneti sare si gustati, trebuie ca zeama sa fie putin mai sarata, pestele va mai trage din sare. - Puneti pestele in ceaun si NU mai amestecati (se farama pestele). Pestele trebuie sa ocupe si el o treime din volumul de apa. In maxim 15-20 min pestele trebuie sa fie fiert (tineti focul din jar cat sa fiarba usor apa in ceaun, nici sa nu se opreasca, nici sa nu clocoteasca sa rupa pestele in bucati). Cand si pestele este fiert puteti pune otetul. Nu va zgarciti, ciorba trebuie sa aiba gust de acru, este o ciorba si nu o supa, sa simti cum te zgarie pe gat cand inghiti. Adaugati otetul in timp ce ciorba fierbe si gustati dupa 1 minut, dregeti gustul fara sa rasfierbeti pestele. Tot acum puneti si cateva linguri de ulei. - Cand este gata luati ceaunul de pe foc, aruncati o mana de patrunjel taiat marunt si acoperiti timp de 10 minute. Ciorba de peste lipoveneasca se mananca in mod traditional asa: Se scoate pestele pe un platou (cu spumiera, cu grija sa nu se farame) si se serveste cu mujdei de usturoi. Mujdeiul poate fi simplu sau cu rosii coapte si cojite si apoi frecate impreuna cu usturoiul (iese o nebunie). Apoi se serveste zeama, cu mujdei si ardei iute (ciusca), daca puneti si o mamaliga pe masa, la toata povestea asta, aveti o masa pescareasca completa si delicioasa. |
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