duminică, 30 martie 2014

Dealu Monastery - Targoviste ✥۩♚۩✥

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English and Romanian - Wikipedia
- Dealu Monastery is a 15th-century monastery in Dâmboviţa County, Romania, located 6 km north of Târgovişte. The church of the monastery is dedicated to Saint Nicholas.
- Dealu Monastery is a 15th century monastery in Dâmboviţa County, Romania. The name of the monastery is given by its geographical position. At the beginning it was frequently called in the medieval sources “Saint Nicholas Church from the hill” (hill = deal) or “The Church at Dealu”. One of the most remarkable architectonic edifices from our country, the monastery was built in a time of great artistic prosperity and reflects both from the structural point of view and decorative plastic art point of view the creative contribution brought by the native artists in order for them to promote the Romanian architecture. It lies near Târgovişte, 4 km North-West away from the city, on the opposite bank of Ialomiţa Valley. At present Dealu is a monastery for nuns, the celebration day of the church being St. Nicholas Day and the celebration day of the chapel being The Refuge of the Virgin.
- Dealu Monastery is one of the most remarkable architectural buildings in our country. Raised in a period of great artistic (XVI century), the church reflects both the structurally and in terms plasticii decorative creative contribution to the promotion of local artisans brought Romanian architecture. 
- The monastery was built by Prince Radu cel Mare (1495-1508) and is located near Targoviste (the old capital of the Romanian Country) north-west of town, on the opposite bank of Ialomita valley, about 4 km. She is now a convent of nuns dedicated to St. Nicholas with the big church and the chapel Holy Virgin Protection. 
- The name under which the monastery is attested since the beginning of its existence until today, its location is due to its geographic, so it is frequently mentioned in the shrine of medieval sources in the form of "St. Nicholas Church on the Hill" or "Church of Dealu. 
- Dealu place of the first was from the beginning royal necropolis, probably due to its location near the town of Targoviste serving, also, in the eighteenth century and nineteenth century as a place of detention for persons punished by the Lord. After secularization of the monasteries in 1863, construction of Dealu were occupied by various state institutions. During the War of Independence in 1877, has worked at the monastery, a camp for a detachment of Turkish prisoners, and from 1879 to 1883 had its headquarters here divisional Officers School 
- The only ornament, inside the monastery, which has traveled over time is the church, whose appearance, stately and attractive, the visitors long remember. Church was designed after the traditional type of construction known in the Romanian Country, in the second half of the fourteenth century, the building of monasteries Vodita, tails, which local artisans, working through a skilled and innovative brought meaningful change. 
The church is built of brick and mortar, with solid walls exceeding one meter thick and proportions are impressive dwelling. 
- The shrine, Heptagon outside and inside is vaulted semicircular shape with a swing semiacolata prolonged. The room is bordered by the nave through a carved wooden temple, made soon after the Episcopal Church to that model of Arges. In her right wall shows a retreat on both sides, ending at the margins of the two arcs ADOS north and south walls of the nave. On the east side of stone shaping a wide belt with a decorative motif, which serves as a bench or pedestal for objects. The nave has on the south and north sides of two circular apses on the inside and outside the Pentagon in a semiacolata also vaulted. He is separated from the nave by a wall which is preserved in a frame decorated with marble, similar to the front door so the church. 
- Rectangular prism shaped narthex is divided by a double transverse arch in two unequal parts. The two towers are raised nave placed on both sides of the longitudinal axis of the church, a solution used for the first time in Wallachian architecture. 
Outside, decorative plastic is new to the Romanian land buildings of that era. 
- An important step in bringing to life inside the monastery was the seat of the royal printer, then moved to Targoviste. In addition to manuscripts and printings, the monastery Dealu were kept very few of the items offered by the founders, in case times approach was repeated plundering of foreign troops. Today the church can see a large wooden cross carved price, covered with gilded silver, given to him by Matei Basarab in 1648-1649. 

- Ţinutul Dâmboviţei este, ca multe altele din spaţiul românesc, unul încărcat de istorie, cu monumente şi altare poate prea puţin cunoscute pelerinului de astăzi. Târgoviştea păstrează numeroase lăcaşuri de cult, care încă vor să evidenţieze din strălucirea de altă-dată a oraşului de scaun al Ţării Româneşti. Astăzi ne propunem să abordăm cazul unui lăcaş de cult care este considerat simbol al împăcării între doi domni creştini şi fraţi după neam deopotrivă. Este vorba de biserica Mănăstirii Stelea, zidită spre mijlocul sec. al XVII-lea de piosul domnitor al Moldovei Vasile Lupu. Aceasta este situată exact între Curtea domnească şi Catedrala mitropolitană, în epocă constituind una dintre bisericile importante ale capitalei muntene, o primă construcţie de zid datând din sec. al XVI-lea şi ctitor fiind negustorul Stelea. De altfel, în pisania pusă de domnitorul Moldovei, la refacerea din 1636-1637 şi 1644-145, menţionează că vechea biserică a negustorului Stelea a dărâmat-o din temelii şi a zidit-o din nou, din temelie, cu hramul "Învierea Domnului". De asemenea, în noua ctitorie l-a aşezat pe tatăl său, Nicolae vel aga, spre pomenire. Piosul domnitor a înzestrat-o cu toate cele necesare, i-a ridicat un zid împrejmuitor şi un turn-clopotniţă, biserica fiind mult apreciată de arhidiaconul Pavel de Alep. Noua biserică a fost ridicată în formă de cruce, ca o replică a "Sfânta Trei Ierarhi" din Iaşi, cu două turle poligonale, deasupra naosului şi pronaosului, cu elemente de arhitectură moldovenească, precum contraforţi, baze ale turlelor înstelate, numeroase firide, ocniţe şi ancadramente cu amprentă gotică. Un deceniu mai târziu, biserica a fost afectată de un incendiu, în urma atacului turcesc asupra domnitorului Constantin Şerban voievod, care se refugiase între zidurile acestui aşezământ. Ulterior, Stelea ajunge sub ascultarea Mănăstirii "Sfântul Gheorghe cel Nou" din Bucureşti. În aceste condiţii, domnitorul Constantin Brâncoveanu reface întreaga Mănăstire Stelea, mai ales biserica, pe care o zugrăveşte şi o înzestrează cu obiecte de cult şi mobilier. Stelea devine una dintre perlele aşezămintelor româneşti care ascultau de Patriarhia de Ierusalim. Cu toate acestea, în timpul războaielor ruso-austro-turce, Stelea, ca multe alte aşezăminte din spaţiul românesc, cade în ruină. Chiar dacă este reparată de unii boieri şi orăşeni târgovişteni, îşi pierde strălucirea de altădată. La 1832, generalul rus Pavel Kiseleff deplânge sărăcia în care se află biserica. Totuşi îşi păstrează funcţia educaţională, în chiliile aşezământului funcţionând o şcoală grecească în care au învăţat Grigore Alexandrescu, Ion H. Rădulescu sau Vasile Cârlova. La secularizarea din 1863 îşi pierde proprietăţile, apoi devine biserică parohială întreţinută de comună. La 1865-1876 i se fac o serie de reparaţii la învelitoare şi la chilii, iar la 1879 se restaurează turla de pe naos. La 1900, Parohia Stelea din Târgovişte avea ca filii bisericile: "Sfânta Vineri", "Adormirea Maicii Domnului, "Sfântul Nicolae-Geartu" şi "Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul", fiind slujită de preoţii: paroh Constantin Angelescu, absolvent al Seminarului inferior; Ioan Popescu, licenţiat în Teologie; Nicolae Aramă şi Ilie Aldescu, ultimii doi absolvenţi ai Seminarului inferior. Parohia avea 200 de familii, respectiv 680 de suflete.

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