vineri, 29 august 2014

Mihai Voda Monastery ✥۩♚۩✥

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English and Romanian
- Mihai Voda Monastery of Turda was founded in 2002 on the initiative of Archbishop Bartolomeu Anania. Byzantine style church is a copy of the old architectural Mihai Voda Monastery in Bucharest, founded by Michael the Brave. Also has built a body of cells and abbey. The compound resides near the obelisk that marks the spot assassination great prince Michael the Brave, in camp battle that went on those lands in August 1601. Currently, the monastery were added to cells and body abbot, becoming a place of pilgrimage for believers from all over the country who come in Turda to find land that was assassinated ruler who accomplished great unification in 1600. Michael the Brave was killed by Gen. George Basta, and his head was taken and buried one of the captains of Prince Radu Buzescu Dealu Monastery, near Targoviste.

- Manastirea Mihai Voda din Turda a fost intemeiata in anul 2002, la initiativa IPS Bartolomeu Anania. Biserica in stil bizantin reprezinta o copie arhitecturala a vechii Manastiri Mihai Voda din Bucuresti, ctitoria lui Mihai Viteazul. De asemenea a mai fost construit un corp de chilii si staretia. Asezamantul monahal salasluieste langa obeliscul ce marcheaza locul asasinarii marelui voievod Mihai Viteazul, in tabara de lupta ce se ducea pe acele meleaguri in august 1601.
- In prezent, manastirii i-au fost adaugate un corp de chilii si o staretie, devenind un loc de pelerinaj pentru credinciosi din toata tara, care vin in Turda sa descopere meleagurile pe care a fost asasinat marele domnitor care a infaptuit unirea din anul 1600. Mihai Viteazul a fost ucis de generalul Gheorghe Basta, iar capul sau a fost luat de unul dintre capitanii domnitorului si inmormantat de Radu Buzescu la Manastirea Dealu, langa Targoviste.

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