luni, 6 octombrie 2014

Sihastria Monastery ✥۩♚۩✥

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Sihastria Monastery was founded by the wiser Sihastru Atanasie with his seven more apprentices in 1655. In 1734 the bishop Ghedeon of Husi built a new church, made of stone, on the place of the old one.
Not far from here was Sihla hermitage (a monks hermitage) as well as the Cave of the Saint Pious Teodora; the coffin with her relics is kept today at the monastery Pecerska-Kiev under the name of "The pious Teodora from Carpathians.
Burnt by the Turks in 1821, the church was rebuilt in 1824 from river stone and brick, high walls with four sides were raised, having two towers, while in the interior cells and a chapel were made.
The hard years of communism threatened the existence of the monastery, but during this period of the history there would come numerous Christian people, fascinated by the priests Cleopa and Paisie Olaru's wisdom. Their love for God and desire to guide the people to the right way of the Christianity made the two outstanding priests soul saviors. Cleopa was born in northern Romania, the child of illiterate peasants, and he entered Sihastria Monastery in 1934 at the age of 25. He cared for the monastery's sheep for 12 years. The story is told that only the abbot of the monastery knew about Cleopa's remarkable memory, a gift which allowed him to recite long sections of scripture and the teachings of the Church fathers by heart. The abbot gave him books from the monastery library, and Cleopa would read them while he was in the fields with the sheep.

The other monks thought of Cleopa as a simple, uneducated man. Therefore, when the abbot of the monastery was on his death bed and named Cleopa as his successor, the other monks were astonished. Only after the monks told Cleopa of the abbot's wishes and heard him speak to them, quoting the scriptures and did they understand why the abbot selected him to lead the community. As Abbot of Sihastria Monastery, being very busy during the daytime hours, Fr. Cleopa would pray more at night. He would sleep two hours and again two more hours after the service, after which he would perform his entire prayer rule for the day, which took three hours. Over the course of the ten years he spent in the wilderness during his three exiles, he devoted countless hours to the Prayer of the Heart. Even the fingernail with which he would pull the knots of his prayer-rope was deformed because of a lifetime of practicing this prayer.
From 1950 to 1953, Fr. Cleopa left the monastery and became a hermit in the mountain forests due to pressure from the communist authorities who did not like the fact that so many people went to him for spiritual guidance. Nowadays there can be visited the cells where they lived and worshiped their Christian faith.

In Neamt County pilgrims and tourists will visit some of the most well known monasteries from Moldova region and Romania. One of these monasteries is Sihastria Monastery, an important religious settlement from the medieval era.
Sihastria Monastery is located in a place that impresses the pilgrim by the natural beauty of nature and the surrounding forest. This is also the place where some of the most well known monks lived and prayed: Father Ilie Cleopa, Father Paisie Olaru, Father Irineu Protcenco and Father Ioanichie Balan.
The monastery administrates four hermitages in Neamt County and several others in other counties. Pilgrims can visit these hermitages that were built in places where many monks have lived, prayed and eventually died.

Sihla Hermitage is located at about 8 km from Sihastria Monastery and the access is made on a dirt road. The church of the hermitage was made from wood in a classic architectural style with one tower. The small interior is divided between the altar and the nave. In 1763, above the hermitage, under a big block of stone was build a small church made with the wood from one single pine tree. Near the hermitage pilgrims and tourists can also visit St Teodora’s Cave, which is also the reason for which Sihla Hermitage exists.
Daniil Sihastrul Hermitage is located at about 2 km from Sihla Hermitage, near a big gap called “Rapa lui Coroi”. The hermitage can be accessed only by foot. That is why the construction of the church and the few buildings was made with the help of people that carried construction materials on their back.

“Poiana lui Ioan” Hermitage is located at 3 km from Sihastria Monastery in a plane where a monk by his name Ioan lived and prayed in the XVII century. The hermitage was built at the request of Father Paisie Olaru. The dirt road that goes to the hermitage is called “The Road of the Cross” and depicts images from the last days on Earth of Jesus.
“St Mina” Hermitage from Targu Neamt dates from 1933. The present day church of the hermitage was built after 1990 together with new cellars, a small chapel made out of brick and few other small buildings. In 2003 the monks began building a new church dedicated to “St Pantelimon the Healer”.
In the last years Sihastria Monastery, together with its hermitages became more and more visited by pilgrims and tourists in search of moments of peace or historical and architectural wonders.

- The Cathedral “St Teodora from Sihla” is located in the inner court of Sihastria Monastery and it’s dedicated to St Teodora that lived in Sihla Mountains and was canonized as a saint in 1992. The monks from Sihastria built this church with the intention to bring here the holy relics of St Teodora that are now in Kiev.
The construction began in 1995 with the help of Orthodox believers and pilgrims and ended in 2005. The painting of the cathedral is made in a fresco style and was realized by monks from Sihastria Monastery, under the guidance of father Vartolomeu Florea, a well known church painter.
From an architectural stand point, the church has a central tower located above the nave and two smaller towers one on each side. The interior of the church has the usual delimitations with nave, porch and altar. The entire cathedral has impressive proportions with a length of 42 meters and a maximum height of 36 meters.

- The entrance in St Teodora’s church is made from the west side through an entrance bordered by religious icons made in a mosaic style. The interior is impressive with 10 big white marble columns sustaining the arches of the church. The access into the porch of the church is made through an impressive massive bronze door.
- The altar of St Teodora’s church from Sihastria is separated by an iconostasis made from massive oak wood that was sculpted by Costica Moroiu from Bucahrest. Under the main church there is also the Chapel of St Victorian and All Orthodox Saints, a place characterized by simplicity and calm. This is also the place where monks come to pray in silence.

- Mănăstirea Sihăstria este o mănăstire ortodoxă de călugări, cu hramul Nașterea Maicii Domnului, situată în partea de nord a județului Neamț, la 22 km de orașul Târgu Neamț, pe șoseaua ce duce spre Pipirig-Vatra Dornei.
- Prima ctitorire a avut loc în anul 1655 de către sihastrul Atanasie împreună cu șapte ucenici de-ai săi. Vremurile grele care au urmat au dus la ruinarea bisericii și de aceea, în 1734, episcopul Ghedeon al Romanului a ridicat o nouă biserică, din piatră, pe locul celei vechi. Edificiul este sobru și plin de armonie, respectând cu fidelitate arhitectura stilului clasic moldovenesc.
Istoria zbuciumată a acestor locuri a influențat și dezvoltarea mănăstirii, care a avut mult de suferit în decursul vremurilor. După distrugerile din anul 1821, când a fost incendiată de turci, a fost refăcută în 1824, cu sprijinul mitropolitului Veniamin Costachi.Biserica cea nouă a fost însă mai frumoasă ca cea veche așa că lucrul acesta a atras vizitatori din toată România fascinați și cunoscători ai părintelui arhimandrit Cleopa care a fost unul dintre cei mai ințelepți preoți la acea vreme dar Sf părinte s-a stins din viață în anul 1998.Acel an a fost unul trist pentru mulți oameni care l-au cunoscut pe parinte dar din vorbele lui ințelepte s-au păstrat 16 volume de invățături intitulate ,,Ne vorbește părintele Cleopa,,.În fiecare an la manastire vin mulți vizitatori care vor să cunoască calea adevăratei credințe și să afle de ce mănăstirea Sihăstria este atât de importantă pentru oameni.Mănăstirea Sihăstria are mai multe puncte de vizitare și anume cimitirul mănăstirii,schitul Sf parinte Cleopa,etc.Vizitatorii care vin cu gândul de a sta cât mai mult timp pot rămâne peste noapte în sala de dormit iar masa o pot servi din sala meselor. Clopotele mănăstirii sunt mari și se aud foarte frumos din curtea mănăstirii iar cei care doresc se pot spovedi la un preot din apropierea clopotniței.

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