marți, 22 ianuarie 2013

The Salt Mine-Slanic Prahova

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- The old salt mine, located in Slănic, Prahova County, Romania, just 100 km north of Bucharest. The salt mine is closed for extraction purposes, but is open for visitors, featuring a microclimate with natural air-conditioning and constanttemperature and atmospheric pressure throughout the year. It is made up of two levels, named Unirea and Mihai. Many of the visitors come for its supposed healing effects due to the purity of the air. Throughout the mine you will find various types of equipment for recreational activity such as playground equipment and some ping-pong tables. One area is sectioned off and is being used for medical patients with lung cancer to come and rest. The main elevator shaft that takes you down is unique in that it has no metallic parts due to rust.

- The work for the opening of the Unirea salt mine started in 1938 and the exploitation of the salt from this mine was performed between 1943-1970. The exploitation was done downward from the ceiling to the basis in successive slices of 2.2 meters with a horizontal cutting at the basis and vertically along the walls. The de-rocking was made through shooting. The transportation of the resulting material was effected with the tubs up the shaft using a cage to the installation of preparation and expedition.
- The mine is composed of 14 chambers with trapezoidal profiles, having a 10 m opening to the ceiling and 32 m to the ground, a height of 54 m and a wall inclination angle of 60 degrees. The shore difference between the surface and the base of the mine is of 208 m and it is covered by the elevator in 90 seconds. The excavated space occupies a volume of 2.9 millions m³ and it is extended on a surface of 78,000 m².
- After 1970, the mine becomes a touristic objective, offering exceptional natural conditions as a result of its microclimate rich in aerosols, which proved its well known efficiency in treating the respiratory diseases. The air-conditioning of the mine is natural, with a constant temperature during the whole year of 12 °C, an atmospheric pressure of 730 mmHg and a humidity with an average of 10% lower than the surface average.

- Salina Slanic Prahova este situata la 45 km de Ploiesti, in Statiunea Slanic Prahova, judetul Prahova. Recunoscuta drept cea mai mare salina din Europa acesta aduna anual mii de turisti care vin in cautarea relaxarii sau a efectelor benefice asupra caile respiratorii si a aparatului pulmonar.
- Cu o temperatura de 12 grade Celsius, salina este lipsita de factori alergeni, eficienta acesteia fiind recunoscuta in urma cu aproape 100 de ani. Aici puteti urma cure pentru astm bronsic, bronsita asmatiforma, sinuzita, afectiuni ale sistemului nervos si chiar insuficienta cardiaca.

- Aflata la 440 m altitudine, salina o gasiti in cadrul Complexului Mina Unirea. Coborarea in ea se face cu un lift ce are un sistem de manevare primitiv insa forma trapezoiadala a salinei cu baza de 32 m si inaltime de 54 m ofera o senzatie de imensitate unica. La inceputul vizitei veti fi intampinati de secera si ciocanul menite sa aminteasca si sa reprezinte clasa muncitoare ce lucrase in mina cu sute de ani in urma. De-a lungul timpului salina a suferit varii deteriorai datorita infiltratiilor cu apa fapt pentru care veti observa tavanul protejat cu lemn. Exista zone in care trecerea este interzisa insa pe pereti se poate observa cu usurinta stratificarea sarii de culoare alba sau vinetie. Cei interesati se pot delecta in 15 sali cu o inaltime de 70 m pline de istorie.Vizitati basoreliefurile ce infatiseaza personalitati romanesti ca Mihai Vitezu, Mihai Eminescu sau cu o importanta majora ca de exemplu Decebal si Traian din Sala Genezei. In incinta salinei sunt amenajate terenuri pentru forbal, volei si handbal. Locul este folosit adesea pentru diferite competitii artistice, antrenamentele loturilor sportive si evenimente cinematografice. Din salina va puteti procura suveniruri si aveti posibilitatea de a lua masa in spatii special amenajate.

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