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Friendship...English and Romanian
- Reason owe joy of heart or breathing the fragrance of friendship? I do not know the answer. I just know that the feeling is so strong friendship filled with ineffable substance of reason among men deep helmet. And thus becomes synonymous with giving to receive. In such a world, I assure you, it does not matter, but biologically the passage of time. You must climb many steps of knowledge to understand the beauty of friendship? To some extent, yes!. For without access to major meanings of the universe, we will never understand exactly the importance of small gestures of others.
- And we have the power to make ourselves care care to stay behindalone among the treasures collected. Who has friends, is stronger. For he will climb the mountain without feeling offended gravity. Driven by curiosity difficult to express in words. Energy thus meets substance and spirit. It's rare, but the light of such events can finally defeat the darkness. Convicted of jerky moments to breathe the air, feel, finally, the power of healing elixirs eternity. Man emerges from himself to land, smooth, world invariants: the uninterrupted progress of the stars, miracle journey from humble seed of the fruit of the proud beauty, amazing ability to store both the word ephemeral and some promises of eternity. We can make friendship a wall against the wickedness and stupidity. Inside this wall, smile can be truly free having value in itself, not determined by circumstances. Outside this wall still smile, unrequited or misunderstood huddled in corners of the soul. I know our leaders impermanence of beauty and therapeutic effects of friendship? So little that their actions can only be put together in invisible chronicles of history.
- I want to thank the entire group, Miraj, friendship, fellowship, kindness, simplicity, quality and respect, to Miraj, thousand thanks!
- Datorăm inimii sau ratiunii bucuria de a respira parfumul prieteniei? Nu cunosc răspunsul. Stiu doar ca sentimentul prieteniei este atat de puternic incat umple cu substanta lui inefabilă prăpastiile căscate de ratiune intre oameni. Si astfel, a dărui devine sinonim cu a primi. Intr-o astfel de lume, vă asigur, nu mai contează, decăt biologic, scurgerea timpului. Trebuie sa urci numeroasele trepte ale cunoasterii pentru a intelege frumusetea prieteniei? Intr-o oarecare masură, da!. Căci fără a avea acces la marile intelesuri ale universului, niciodată nu vom intelege exact importanta gesturilor mărunte ale semenilor. Si nu vom avea puterea de a pune grija pentru noi insine in spatele grijii de a rămane singuri printre comorile adunate.
- Cine are prieteni, este mai puternic. Căci el va urca muntele fără să simtă ofensa gravitatiei. Manat de o curiozitate greu de exprimat in cuvinte. Energia se intalneste astfel cu substanta si spiritul. Se intamplă rar, dar lumina unei astfel de intamplări poate invinge definitiv intunericul. Condamnati sa respiram aerul sacadat al clipelor, simtim, in sfarsit, puterea tămăduitoare a elixirelor vesniciei. Omul se desprinde din el insusi pentru a ateriza, lin, in lumea invariantelor: mersul neintrerupt al stelelor, miracolul calatoriei de la umila samanta catre frumusetea orgolioasa a fructului, uluitoarea capacitate a cuvantului de a inmagazina atat efemerul cat si o parte din promisiunile vesniciei. Ne putem face din prietenie un zid impotriva rautatilor si a prostiei. In interiorul acestui zid surasul poate fi cu adevarat liber, avand valoarea in sine, nu determinata de circumstante. In afara acestui zid ramane surasul neimpartasit sau ghemuit in cotloanele neintelese ale sufletului. Ce stiu vremelnicii nostri conducători despre frumusetea si efectele terapeutice ale prieteniei? Atat de putin incat faptele lor abia mai pot fi puse cap la cap in letopisetele nevazute ale istoriei.
- Tin sa multumesc intregului grup, Miraj, pentru prietenie colegialitate, bunatate, simplitate, calitate si respect, mii de multumiri Miraj!
luni, 21 ianuarie 2013
Friendship... Prietenie - 1
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